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picture1_Direct Method Of Teaching English Pdf 87556 | Jiptummpp Gdl Wigatiauli 47776 3 Chapter I

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File: Direct Method Of Teaching English Pdf 87556 | Jiptummpp Gdl Wigatiauli 47776 3 Chapter I
chapter ii review of related literature this chapter deals with the review of underlying theories that are relevant to using the direct method in teaching english to improve students speaking ...

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...Chapter ii review of related literature this deals with the underlying theories that are relevant to using direct method in teaching english improve students speaking skill at smk muhammadiyah malang is one four skills learning a foreign language as an oral productive it important be mastered order achieve communicative goal efl according thornbury lot memorized lexical expressions also necessary for spoken therefore study grammar may not most matter reach efficient way harmer some people think if they want speak fluently need able pronounce phonemes correctly use appropriate stress and intonation patterns connected speech however more than actually speakers have different genres situations spratt pulverness williams involves speaker express meanings other conclusion crucial part requires produce target form ways expressing idea from thought feeling into words expresses so can perceive message utterances thus ability dealing only capability producing correct or fluency communication bu...

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