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picture1_Transcendental Meditation Pdf 87096 | Art Mantra

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File: Transcendental Meditation Pdf 87096 | Art Mantra
mantra practice vs mindfulness shinzen young mantra practice vs mindfulness many people in the west get their first exposure to meditation through what is know as tm or transcendental meditation ...

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...Mantra practice vs mindfulness shinzen young many people in the west get their first exposure to meditation through what is know as tm or transcendental essentially classic of india presented a contemporary format easily accessible westerners another which growing popularity europe and north america it also known insight vipassana teacher i am frequently asked about relationship between on surface they would seem be very different perhaps even antithetical typically one leans back against wall withdraws from phenomenal world repeats oneself for twenty minutes s relatively easy usually brings immediate calming effects sits bolt upright with intense alertness attending flow ordinary experience this means focusing rather banal sometimes uncomfortable phenomena such itches sounds thought patterns pains etc almost that takes you out while down however beneath differences these two practices have commonality can go unrecognized thing both build calm concentration although ways relaxes lets r...

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