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73 Meditation Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 22 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 73 txt files containing articles about Meditation. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. 8 Change Life Meditation Mind Minute Quiet
..... What exactly is meditation? It seems that so many people nowadays are hooked up with this form of activity. By definition, meditation is often used to describe the individual's state of intense attention on an object of awareness or thought. The individual tries to turn his or her attention inward. Meditation is said to be of Vedic Hinduism origin. This is usually practiced in the eastern religions but now even the western culture is already involved in such activity. People want to practice meditation so that they can focus their mind to God for their personal development, to attain peace of mind, and to be healthier. .....


2. Buddhist Meditation
..... Remember those Chinese martial art movies that feature monks with their heads shaved off? Well, those folks practice Buddhism which is a spiritual movement designed to make the person find the true nature of life. At the heart of this is meditation which is the means of making this possible. But to understand Buddhist Meditation, you have to know the Buddhism itself is centered on the Four Noble Truths. First, we have to realize that there is suffering in the world which happens because of our ignorance and our desires. When we do understand ourselves, we can finally find a way to end this suffering. Those who find the answer have reached a state of Nirvana. .....


3. JG Zen Meditation
..... In layman's term, Zen meditation is letting go of pessimistic thoughts and simply relaxing. In Buddhism, it is a contemplative discipline performed to achieve calmness in the mind and body. Most importantly, it aims for a practitioner to understand the nature of life to obtain enlightenment. To fully experience positive results of Zen meditation, there are three general methods to consider such as (1) Concentration; (2) Koan Introspection; and (3) Shikantaza. .....


4. Meditation Chairs
..... One of the most challenging things when meditating is finding the right sitting position. This is because your legs could become numb after some time which is why even if there is already meditation cushion in the market, there are some who still prefer to use meditation chairs instead. When you look at a meditation chair, the first thing you will notice is that this does not look that different to a dining chair. It has 4 legs and a back rest. However, what it does best is make you more comfortable than when you are sitting on the floor by being able to mold to your body which prevents cramps and provides complete relaxation. .....


5. Meditation Cushions
..... Most forms of meditation require the person to sit in a comfortable position. You can do this by getting a mat or a chair. But since this does not always make you feel at ease, someone decided to make meditation cushions. What is a meditation cushion? Basically these are aids in meditation that do not offer any back support because they help lengthen the spine and correct your alignment so you are able to breathe better, increase blood flow and flexibility. .....


6. Meditation Facts
..... These days, going to the doctor when you are sick is not the only way so you will feel better. According to the National Center for Complementary Medicine, meditation is among the top 10 alternative therapy treatments. But before we get into that, it is best we learn some meditation facts. First, meditation means awareness. Why? This is because your senses are heightened as you concentrate on your breathing and your hearing is sharper than before. You tell your mind to block out these distractions so you are able to find inner peace which you can carry with you when you open your eyes. .....


7. Meditation Methods
..... There are numerous meditation methods for you to try and those who are skeptic about it should simply keep an open mind. For those who are really interested, you have to do some research to find out which is the best for you. To help you along the way, here are a few that can be done with the help of an expert. The first is called Meditation by Walking which is very popular among monks. This activity is far different from the rest because it combines physical activity with mind conditioning in order to relieve stress immediately. .....


8. Meditation Supplies
..... A quiet room is all you need in order to meditate. But if you are like some who feel that meditation supplies are needed, go ahead and do so. The first thing you have to concern yourself with is space. For that, you have to check which room in your house you can use as a meditation room. Ideally, this should have adequate space to put a cushion, a mat or a bench. It should also be clutter free so it looks very relaxing. .....


9. Meditation And Relaxation
..... Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between meditation and relaxation. What distinguishes this from the other techniques is that with meditation, your mind continues to be focused and alert when you learn to focus on an object, a thought or by visualization. But which should you focus on? The answer depends on the individual. The important thing is that it is something that they are comfortable with. .....


10. Meditations
..... Meditation plays a large part in Eastern philosophies and religions. Later on, the West also got hold of it and has realized that it has a lot of health benefits. The one thing students and those work deal with everyday is stress. Meditation for just 15 minutes or even longer allows you to relax and later enables you to make an effective decision. It also lowers the level of stress anxiety in your system thus decreasing the risks of heart disease significantly. .....


11. Transcendental Meditation
..... Meditation has been practiced for centuries. In the years that followed, various movements have evolved and one of them is called transcendental meditation. Transcendental meditation was a movement founded in 1957 by a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Today, it has over 6 million followers and some of them include Hollywood celebrities and singers. .....


12. Zen Meditation
..... We all have to deal with stress from either work or school. You can’t close your eyes to make it go away but you can find peace so you can deal with it. One technique that can offer this is called Zen meditation. Zen meditation is often referred to as the study of the self. It involves sitting in various postures so you are able to bring the mind and body to a peaceful and stable condition. This happens as you focus on images and thoughts that just pop up as your heart rate slows down until you reach a reflective state of meditation. .....


13. Advent Meditation
..... Today's time is very much different from before. Many years ago, a lot of people were quite religious. Although there are still very religious persons nowadays, the number have greatly decreased. Even advent seems to have a different meaning now and most individuals are looking forward to it because they just want to have a vacation. When does advent begin? If you have no idea whatsoever, advent starts four weeks prior to Christmas. This is also known as the season or time of preparation for the birth of the lord Jesus Christ. .....


14. Angel Guide Healing Meditation
..... Angels are said to be part of every human's life. There have been many encounters with angels told in history, as many people claim. But a lot of individuals find that quite hard to believe especially if they lack spiritual awareness and faith. Did you know that today there are a great number of people who use angels as guide to their healing meditation? You've heard it right. There are many individuals who find using angels as an effective guide to meditation. You can find a lot of sites on the net that feature angel guide healing meditation. There are even books published about it. Now the question here is whether you do believe in angels because if you don’t, you will not succeed in achieving peace of mind nor be healed of your condition. .....


15. Background Of Meditation
..... Meditation generally refers to the state of concentrated focus on an object of thought or awareness. The background of meditation stems from the aim to get into a higher state of consciousness. It is usually based from ancient beliefs that make up the component of eastern religions. Its practice has bee going on over 5,000 years. When it comes to meditation, different beliefs hold different spiritual and psychological practices in order to develop or achieve a higher degree of mental consciousness and awareness. Many religions have developed their own method and technique of meditation that allows their adherents to arrive at a higher state of consciousness. .....


16. Benefits Of Meditation
..... People are now going back to ancient practices because they know that the modern times have been causing them too much stress. Of all the means of relaxation out there, more and more people are looking forward to experience the benefits of meditation. Because of its effectivity in terms of calming the mind and developing a person's level of intuition, meditation has now being performed not just a means of clearing the mind and inner reflection but also to heal various illnesses in the mind, emotions, and physical aspects. .....


17. Best Life Meditation Now Scripture
..... Are you not satisfied with your present life? Are you dreaming that someday you will be able to live a rewarding life? Perhaps you're aspiring for a stronger marriage or a better job, gratifying relationships, and a happier family life; whatever your wishes and intentions are, all those things are realizable. Most people would write down their dreams and goals hoping that someday all their dreams will eventually come true. Although all those things are important, it's not easy to pursue such dreams. This is because your everyday life is always crowded with routine demands from work, family, community, and etc. Oftentimes, you focus on other priorities and that's why you can't easily break away from all those things. .....


18. Book Cd Dummy Edition Meditation
..... There are many books about meditation being sold today. For starters, choosing among the many books the one that can provide you with everything you need can be very difficult. In fact, there are even books that can be considered useless and of no importance. So before purchasing any book or CD on meditation, it would be best to check their customer reviews first, just make sure that it is an independent review and one that is not biased. The book and CD of Stephan Bodian for only about $16.50 is such a great deal for meditation beginners. According to many reviews, this book is of great value and it contains all your needed information about meditation for starters. The book is simple, direct, and offers a lot of recommendations. Aside from that, you can read with ease. There is no other book that covers as much subject on meditation as Meditation for Dummies. .....


19. Buddhism Meditation
..... Today's world, with all its excitements, its adventures, and its discoveries, is moving in a very fast pace. This can be very thrilling and fun-filled for the modern man, but this can also be exhausting to the soul. That is exactly the reason why many people try to find comfort and solitude amidst the changes taking place in their environment. And, it is also because of this that meditation is becoming popular among many. Meditation can be defined in different ways, but this is really a broad concept that no measure of words can totally unveil its real sense. Meditation is best understood when experienced and felt rather than when explained. And although this cannot be measured by words, maybe you will be able to grasp it more easily in the light of its purpose. .....


20. Buddhist Meditation Techniques
..... There are a number of different Buddhist meditation techniques that followers and many meditation enthusiasts practice. Despite their differences, the techniques are all generally based on developing two things- mindfulness and concentration. Attentiveness to the movements of the body and to the ever changing states of mind is to be developed in order to identify the real concept of self. Objectivity in this case can be a valuable aid to clear thinking. With objectivity comes concentration, the ability to focus the mind and keep in focused on a single point or object. Many Buddhist schools employ different techniques in meditation. Some may focus on such practices as breathing meditation while others on movements. The diversity can be so wide ranging that there are a multitude of variations available. Most Buddhist techniques can be school specific. Only a few masters aim to combine and categorize the techniques from several Buddhist traditions. .....


21. Buddhist Meditation
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22. By Course Insight Meditate Meditation Step Step
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23. Chakra Meditation
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24. Chakra Meditation
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25. Chong From I Joint Meditation
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26. Christian Meditation
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27. Christmas Meditation
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28. Communion Meditation
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29. Daily Meditation
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30. Daily Meditation For Working Through Grief
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31. Deep Meditation Music
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32. Descartes Meditation
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33. Easy Meditation Techniques
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34. End Knit Knit Meditation Much Too Who Woman
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35. Guided Meditation
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36. Guided Meditation Reduction Stress
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37. Healing Meditation
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38. Healing Meditation
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39. History Of Meditation
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40. Insight Meditation
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41. Jewish Meditation
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42. Marcus Aurelius Meditation
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43. Meditation Exercises
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44. Meditation Instructions
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45. Meditation Tapes
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46. Meditation Music
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47. Meditation
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48. Meditation And Relaxation
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49. Meditation Art
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50. Meditation Audio
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51. Meditation Book
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52. Meditation Cd
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53. Meditation Cds
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54. Meditation Center
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55. Meditation Chair
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56. Meditation Cushion
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57. Meditation For Beginner
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58. Meditation For Child
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59. Meditation For Dummy
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60. Meditation Music
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61. Meditation On First Philosophy
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62. Meditation Pillow
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63. Meditation Practice
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64. Meditation Retreat
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65. Meditation Supply
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66. Meditation Technique
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67. Meditation Timer
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68. Mindfulness Meditation
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69. Spiritual Meditation
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70. Transcendental Meditation
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71. Transcendental Meditation
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72. Walking Meditation
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73. Yoga Meditation
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