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picture1_Doc16 Problems

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File: Doc16 Problems
problems with pesticide control program nj department of environmental protection conventional pest control po box 420 trenton nj 08625 0420 the use of modern synthetic pesticides started during world war ...

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...Problems with pesticide control program nj department of environmental protection conventional pest po box trenton the use modern synthetic pesticides started during world war ii advent such chemicals as d and ddt effectiveness these had dramatically improved ability to kill pests because potential applications seemed unlimited hazards minimal came follow a distinct pattern sole reliance on preventive or calendar spraying application at first sign without establishing injury levels little no evaluation treatments system wide perspective several associated this soon appeared resistance resistances were noticed in flies mosquitoes later cockroaches due genetic variation certain may not be affected by will most susceptible leaving those resistant dominate reproduction process selection now leaves populations over species one more resurgence off natural enemies population rebound numbers greater than before further complication problem is insect predators parasites which prey are less like...

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