File: Technology Pdf 86707 | Software Testing Methodologies It
information technology 2019 software testing methodologies professional elective iv course code 19it160 l t p c 3 0 0 3 pre requisites software engineering course outcomes at the end of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Information technology software testing methodologies professional elective iv course code it l t p c pre requisites engineering outcomes at the end of student will be able to co classify different techniques distinguish characteristics path and dataflow apply integration for any given problem compare functional system methods determine various issues object oriented unit i lectures a perspective on basic definitions test cases insights from venn diagram identifying fault taxonomies levels boundary value normal robust worst case special examples random decision table based tables learning module explain outline ii program graphs dd paths coverage metrics basis define use slice slicing tools illustrate iii decomposition call graph example integrationnextdate construct threads concepts requirements specification model long versus short how many supplemental approaches non atomic function interpret with examine v in oonextdate driven development then cycles automated execution java junit ...