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picture1_Pursed Lip Breathing Pdf 86529 | Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques

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File: Pursed Lip Breathing Pdf 86529 | Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques
diaphragmatic breathing ddiiaapphhrraaggmmaatiticc b brreeaaththiinngg tetecchhnniiqquuee ddiiaapphhrraaggmmaatiticc b brreeaaththiinngg tetecchhnniiqquuee 11 lie on your back on a flat surface or in bed with your knees bent 11 and your head ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Diaphragmatic breathing ddiiaapphhrraaggmmaatiticc b brreeaaththiinngg tetecchhnniiqquuee lie on your back a flat surface or in bed with knees bent and head supported you can use pillow under to support legs place one hand upper chest the other just below rib cage this will allow feel diaphragm move as breathe slowly through nose so that stomach moves out against should remain still possible tighten muscles letting them fall inward exhale pursed lips see lip technique must when first learn it may be easier for follow instructions lying down shown page gain more practice try while sitting chair ttoo p peerrfoforrmm ththiiss e exxeerrcciissee w whhiillee ssiitttitinngg i inn cchhaaiirr sit comfortably shoulders neck relaxed note notice an increased effort needed correctly at ll probably get tired doing exercise but keep because continued become easy automatic hhowow o ofteftenn s shhoouulldd pprraacctiticcee th thiiss minutes about times per day gradually increase amount of time spend pe...

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