File: Statistical Quality Control Pdf 86196 | 07 Td Andre R Wajong Edit
statistical quality control sqc pada proses produksi produk e di pt dyn tbk dicky handes kishi susanto lusia novita andre m r wajong industrial engineering department faculty of engineering binus ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Statistical quality control sqc pada proses produksi produk e di pt dyn tbk dicky handes kishi susanto lusia novita andre m r wajong industrial engineering department faculty of binus university jl k h syahdan no palmerah jakarta barat th handez ymail com yahoo lz awajong abstract this study discussed about the product produced by a plastic packaging manufacturer in jatake banten p map was used to whether has been limits or not pareto diagram determining biggest types defects that occured mapped causal cause for purposes we collected data amount production and three months as much based on there were seven outside which flaws obtained from i black spots rough body bram then analyzed using results showed causes human less conscientious skilled material dirty raw materials methods work process did follow standards machine inappropriate settings environment therefore company must make improvements machinery reduce products keywords due abstrak penelitian ini membahas pengendalian kualitas...