File: Technology Development Pdf 85747 | 6 Review Paper On Various Software
global journal of computer science and technology c software data engineering volume 19 issue 2 version 1 0 year 2019 type double blind peer reviewed international research journal publisher global ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Global journal of computer science and technology c software data engineering volume issue version year type double blind peer reviewed international research publisher journals online issn print review paper on various testing techniques strategies by nahid anwar susmita kar bangladesh university business abstract is the process running an application with intent finding bugs errors or other defects applications demand has pushed quality assurance developed towards new heights it been considered as most critical stage development life cycle can analyze item to identify disparity between actual prescribed conditions assess characteristics leads minimizing cut down costs for this purpose we discuss aims study diverse well improved better purposes keywords tools verification validation level debugging objectives principles methodologies gjcst classification d reviewpaperonvarioussoftwaretestingtechniquesstrategies strictly per compliance regulations a distributed under terms creative com...