18bbo6el nonmajor elective paper ii plants and human welfare unit ii plant propagation methods cutting layering grafting budding stock scion relationship use of plant regulators in horticulture plant propagation methods ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Bboel nonmajor elective paper ii plants and human welfare unit plant propagation methods cutting layering grafting budding stock scion relationship use of regulators in horticulture by cuttings the process is known as cuttage a part that will produce roots when put soil media eventually new quite true to parent may be piece stem leaf or root even scale bulb classification are usually classified groups according particular used can divided types based on degree maturity lignification wood making hard semi stems soft herbaceous these made from past seasons growth has matured lignified hardwood preparation planting select fully shoot with normal internodes healthy vigorous growing full sun light remove all leaves without damaging axillary buds give slant cut just below basal node selected measure required length about cm containing base horizontal above top repeat procedure prepare many possible case difficult species treat prepared recommended induce rooting make holes bed pot help stick...