british journal of anaesthesia 112 2 213 16 2014 doi 10 1093 bja aet293 editorialseriesonmethodology5 radioimmunoassay enzymeandnon enzyme based immunoassays r d grange j p thompson and d g lambert ...
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...British journal of anaesthesia doi bja aet editorialseriesonmethodology radioimmunoassay enzymeandnon enzyme based immunoassays r d grange j p thompson and g lambert departmentofcardiovascularsciences divisionofanaesthesia criticalcareandpainmanagement leicesterroyalinrmary universityofleicester leicester uk e mail dgl le ac downloaded from https academic oup com article by guest on september the ability to quantify amount a specic protein in format is therefore critical remainder this complex sample has been valuable addition laboratory coversthemainformatscurrentlyavailable science allowingthedevelopmentofdiagnostictests allergen detectioninthefoodindustry andscreeningforimmunity particularly important intensive care anriarequiresthefollowing asamplecontainingtheantigen pain research for quantication mediators cytokines interest complementary antibody radiolabelled peptides analytes involved inammation versionoftheantigen thesampleantigenandantibodyarein otherpathways cubatedtogether...