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picture1_Journal Pdf 85194 | Vehicles Maintenance Workshops Layout And Its Management To Reduce Noise Pollution And Improve Maintenance Quality

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File: Journal Pdf 85194 | Vehicles Maintenance Workshops Layout And Its Management To Reduce Noise Pollution And Improve Maintenance Quality
journal of environmental treatment techniques 2020 volume 8 issue 4 pages 1352 1356 j environ treat tech issn 2309 1185 journal web link http www jett dormaj com https doi ...

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...Journal of environmental treatment techniques volume issue pages j environ treat tech issn web link http www jett dormaj com https doi org vehicles maintenance workshops layout and its management to reduce noise pollution improve quality hesham almomani naser almutairi department industrial engineering faculty the hashemite university jordan received accepted published abstract most vehicle in arab world is random with low share control this system making going on reliability need for managing operations crucial aim paper show importance improving automobiles observations collecting data about status used here figures current some studied workshop presented a suggestion new multi alternatives layouts are analyzed depending mean time repair mttr it found that methods will type decreasing failures costs important factors affected by as arranged good flexible way becomes better decreases keywords introduction daily inspection di from accountability driver or proprietor like human beings r...

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