File: Technology Pdf 84911 | Be Automobile 2015 Course
faculty of science and technology savitribai phule pune university pune savitribai phule pune university faculty of science and technology syllabus for final year of automobile engineering course 2015 with effect ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Faculty of science and technology savitribai phule pune university syllabus for final year automobile engineering course with effect from b e semester i code subject teaching scheme examination total credit hrs week lect tut pract in ese tw pr or th sem automotive refrigeration air conditioning alternative fuels emission control machine vehicle dynamics elective ii maintenance service practices project phase d systems testing system design iii iv seminar on plant training evaluation a fundamentals computational fluid special purpose finite element analysis c cae automation product development open nvh operation research hybrid electric fuel cell transport management motor industries hydraulics economics pneumatics financial bos mechanical will declare the list subjects which can be taken under electives any other that are being taught current to same level as individual college industry define new proper using defined framework get it approved board studies necessary statutory before n...