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picture1_Technology Development Pdf 85135 | Chap6 Item Download 2022-09-13 19-29-13

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File: Technology Development Pdf 85135 | Chap6 Item Download 2022-09-13 19-29-13
6 the automobile andthe automobile and gender gender an historical an historical perspectiveperspective martin wachs university of california berkeley the automobile and gender m wachs the automobile and gender the ...

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...The automobile andthe and gender an historical perspectiveperspective martin wachs university of california berkeley m perspectivean perspective introduction stereotyping modern many have observed that when men get lost while driving they will seldom stop to ask for directions women who are usually pull into a gas station or convenience store passerby this supposed linked trait may be example simple folk wisdom real imagined but it was recently taken very seriously in open piece by robyn meredith new york times on august th article dealt with emerging technology intelligent transportation systems described some newly available navigation several others still development reported findings should interest those us attending conference s travel issues concluded board useful because prefer them rather than quoted sociology professor pepper schwartz wash ington stated nine out ten feminist households do most find hard help is submissive gesture support position offered form interviews techn...

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