project no project title contract title section 15890 ductwork part i general 1 01 work included a types of ductwork required for this project include the following 1 sheet metal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Project no title contract section ductwork part i general work included a types of required for this include the following sheet metal flexible air plenums b construct all located between handling unit and variable volume boxes w g pressure class per smacna requirements as listed herein c other except noted quality assurance installer firm with at least three years successful installation experience on projects similar to that fiberglass provide statement from manufacturer indicating accepts fabricator be qualified in stream compliance comply applicable portions conditioning contractor s national association ashrae standards american society heating refrigerating engineers inc recommendations latest edition d nfpa ansi standard ventilating systems warm e patch repair or replace shall made airtight maximum less leakage design flow ducts joints satisfaction university representative submittals product data submit specifications manufactured products factory fabricated used record drawing...