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picture1_Planning Spreadsheet 7432 | Perencanaan Pendidikan Tingkat Kabupatenkota - Ilmu Kependidikan

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File: Planning Spreadsheet 7432 | Perencanaan Pendidikan Tingkat Kabupatenkota - Ilmu Kependidikan
perencanaan pendidikan tingkat kabupaten kota studi evaluatif tentang efektivitas sistem pencanaan pendidikan menuju tahun 2025 di kabupaten bandung oleh dr h yoyon bahtiar irianto m pd administrasi pendidikan fip upi ...

icon picture DOCX Word DOCX | Diposting 27 Jun 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Perencanaan pendidikan tingkat kabupaten kota studi evaluatif tentang efektivitas sistem pencanaan menuju tahun di bandung oleh dr h yoyon bahtiar irianto m pd administrasi fip upi a abstrak this research surrounded by existence of difference between demands quality education expected with condition and pickings obtained although development policy has emphasized at generalization extension access improvement relevance competitiveness management accountability public imagery but still be given on to problems having meaning for life area though every government in owned planning system spanning from countryside up district level one it is anticipated educational performance that less effective copes overcomes the doing evaluation about harmonized vision mission national towards therefore problem focused which then designs again can made guidance alternative increasing effectiveness pass approach naturalistic qualitative method analysis case hence inferential finding general have been co...

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