international research journal of engineering and technology irjet e issn 2395 0056 volume 08 issue 06 june 2021 www irjet net p issn 2395 0072 planning designing estimating of residential ...
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...International research journal of engineering and technology irjet e issn volume issue june www net p planning designing estimating residential building mr suyog r jadhav ms sejal s bhogan renuka v sahil d sawant mukul m chodankar prof keshav ramdas manerikar department civil yashwantrao bhonsale polytechnic sawantwadi sindhudurg maharashtra abstract the principal objective this project is to plan on autocad normally software used for estimation in drawings form that we first realize sufficient knowledge can draw elevation sections buildings revit our deals with drawing design style involves administered as per limit state analysis various identifying hundreds which influence a structure code are estimations therefore forces stresses arise within completed by using rates from schedule rate thanks those loads perform urge public work moments shear different elements then ultimate problem definition often self weight structures other dead live moving wheel wind load arrangements earthqua...