international research journal of engineering and technology irjet e issn 2395 0056 volume 07 issue 03 mar 2020 www irjet net p issn 2395 0072 construction methodology of ideal building ...
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...International research journal of engineering and technology irjet e issn volume issue mar www net p construction methodology ideal building mr rajwardhan patil yogesh kanade ms bhagyashree chaube kunal shejawal shraddha bhujbal sahil khake third year student dce department civil sou venutai chavan polytechnic pune maharashtra india lecturer abstract the buildings are one biggest energy applications consumers in practiced is a conventional current concept natural resources being used at faster can be applied to various rate than estimated hence it has become essential think materials technologies techniques such as about an pervious concrete for internal roads green reduce demand consumption rainwater harvesting roof cooling this will allow reducing use motion sensors solar panels biogas plants etc practices pushing towards using renewable study aimed issues caused due conventinal with compared method main purpose present minimize scarcity water maximize panel eco friendly most importa...