home page chapter 6 admixtures for concrete admixtures are those ingredients in concrete other than portland cement water and aggre gates that are added to the mixture immediately before or ...
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...Home page chapter admixtures for concrete are those ingredients in other than portland cement water and aggre gates that added to the mixture immediately before or during mixing fig can be classified by function as follows air entraining reducing plasticizers accelerating retarding hydration control corrosion inhibitors shrinkage reducers liquid from left right antiwashout admixture alkali silica reactivity reducer foaming agent inhibitor coloring miscellaneous such workabil ity bonding dampproofing permeability re ducing grouting gas forming despite these considerations it should borne pumping mind no of any type amount table provides a much more extensive classification considered substitute good concreting practice effectiveness an depends upon workable finishable strong factors brand cementing durable watertight wear resistant qualities materials content aggregate shape gradation often obtained easily economically selection proportions time slump temperature suitable rather resorti...