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picture1_Construction Pdf 84008 | Admixtures For Concrete

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File: Construction Pdf 84008 | Admixtures For Concrete
chapter 5 admixtures for concrete 5 1 definition admixtures are those ingredients in concrete other than portland cement water and aggregates that are added to the mixture immediately before or ...

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...Chapter admixtures for concrete definition are those ingredients in other than portland cement water and aggregates that added to the mixture immediately before or during mixing should be workable finish able strong durable watertight wear resistant these qualities can often obtained easily economically by selection of suitable materials rather resorting except air entraining when needed not a solution poor mix design nor sloppy practice they aimed at providing more economical enhanced properties major reasons using reduce cost construction achieve certain effectively means maintain quality stages transporting placing curing adverse weather conditions overcome emergencies concreting operations effectiveness an admixture depends upon several factors such as type brand amount cementing content aggregate shape gradation proportions time slump temperature there two general groupings namely chemical mineral first soluble compounds primarily control setting early hardening fresh requirements...

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