developing labour productivity norms for aluminium system formwork in sri lanka senarath jayasinghe r and fernando ng http dx doi org 10 1108 bepam 09 2015 0049 title developing labour ...
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...Developing labour productivity norms for aluminium system formwork in sri lanka senarath jayasinghe r and fernando ng http dx doi org bepam title authors publication built environment project asset management publisher emerald type article usir url this version is available at salford ac uk id eprint published date a digital collection of the research output university where copyright permits full text material held repository made freely online can be read downloaded copied non commercial private study or purposes please check manuscript any further restrictions more information including our policy submission procedure contact team library ruchini school natural south australia adelaide nirodha gayani department architecture faculty engineering northumbria newcastle upon tyne abstract purpose paper to establish lpns on an elemental basis investigate measurement lp asf low cost housing projects lhps design methodology approach case was selected as most appropriate semi structured inte...