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picture1_Macconkeys Mannitol Salt Media Microbiology Laboratory 3 Powerpoint

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File: Macconkeys Mannitol Salt Media Microbiology Laboratory 3 Powerpoint
identification of unknown bacteria laboratory exercise 3 specialized bacterial growth media macconkey s agar mannitol salt agar images liquid tsy clinical sample being from the virtual microbiology classroom on scienceprofonline ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 12 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Identification of unknown bacteria laboratory exercise specialized bacterial growth media macconkey s agar mannitol salt images liquid tsy clinical sample being from the virtual microbiology classroom on scienceprofonline com applied to arm plate all by t port what am i going learn lab topic macconkeys agars you will practice microbial collection techniques define and use aseptic technique in culture preparation selective differential identify microbes describe colony morphology its relationship interpret results various please plug your microincinerators image chimp brain a jar gaetan lee other have particular requirements for order successfully grow we must provide an environment suitable singular medium are used cultivate mixtures nutrients that need live also provides surface necessary moisture ph support tryptic soy is most often complex nutrient which supports wide variety streak e coli how made when personnel make they measure out quantity dry powdered add water check pour into ...

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