objectives to define csf and its functions formation and circulation to discuss the csf sampling procedure lumbar puncture and its indications and contraindications to describe the physical and biochemical laboratory ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives to define csf and its functions formation circulation discuss the sampling procedure lumbar puncture indications contraindications describe physical biochemical laboratory investigations of electrophoretic pattern proteins study composition normal abnormal findings in pathological conditions otorrhea rhinorrhea definition liquid surrounding brain spinal cord it flows subarachnoid area space between arachnoid pia matter main support protection provides a controlled chemical environment nutrient supply waste removal is formed at choroid plexuses by cells lining ventricles blood barrier important for chemistry results rate ml day mechanism selective ultrafiltration plasma active secretion epithelial membranes excretion absorption volume production constant occurs villi protruding through dura venous sinuses bloodstream method traumatic tap damage vessel during specimen collection...