s by the end of this lecture the students should be able to e to identify the csf functions formation key principles and circulation csf overview v to recognize the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...S by the end of this lecture students should be able to e identify csf functions formation key principles and circulation overview v recognize method sampling procedure for etc i specimen collection processing investigations t indications contraindications lumbar puncture c laboratory investigation types components explain normal examination abnormal findings physical electrophoresis biochemical with j special emphasis on glucose protein electrolytes cellular content pathological b conditions effect interpret pattern o define expressions describing locations as otorrhea rhinorrhea definition liquid surrounding brain spinal cord that flows in subarachnoid space area between arachnoid pia matter main provides a controlled chemical environment nutrient supply waste removal support protection also has certain transportation is formed at choroid plexuses cells lining ventricles blood barrier important chemistry results selective active secretion mechanism ultrafiltration epithelial plasma m...