discussion outline kano state malaria epidemiology challenges in managing severe malaria in children u5 background on the quality of care work in kano state lessons learned and opportunities for improving ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Discussion outline kano state malaria epidemiology challenges in managing severe children u background on the quality of care work lessons learned and opportunities for improving outcomes context health performance demography test positivity rate burden nigeria is located north west region has senatorial zones central south second most populous with over million people population between years contribution to indices cases infant mortality national average under all causes deaths live births prevalence only age months according rapid government other received recommended vaccinations by diagnostic supporting partners have made significant st birthday pentavalent vaccine efforts reduce coverage high out pocket expenditure a however gaps that affect barrier oope still exist big contributor bureau statistics https opendataforafrica org www citypopulation de php admin admid nga hmis dhs mic nis hot spots control profile despite availability clear guidelines case management suboptimal ensur...