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89630 public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized nigeria economic report public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorizeddocument of the world bank public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized no 2 ...

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...Public disclosure authorizedpublic authorized nigeria economic report authorizeddocument of the world bank no july cover photo credit bamidele e oladokun ii abbreviations and acronyms bop balance payments cbn central cpi consumer price index eca excess crude account gdp gross domestic product ghs general household survey hnlss harmonized living standards ilo international labor organization imf monetary fund mda ministries departments agencies ner nigerian nbs national bureau statistics ndhs demographic health nnpc petroleum corporation oagf office accountant federation pib industry bill ppp purchasing power parity swf sovereign wealth vat value added tax iii table contents introductory note chapter macroeconomic overview summary growth oil sector inflation policy government budgets employment job creation outlook poverty in a partial reassessment inequality panel tables current prices sectoral shares selected sectors new estimates revenues to pool federal budgetary performance budget ...

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