File: Health Ppt 83041 | Lrc Health Malaria Projeccsrf 4 6 August
back ground national strategy for malaria control and prevention 2011 2015 of the moh laos project initiative year 2013 2014 jul dec annually target 2 risk provinces 03 districts 20 ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Back ground national strategy for malaria control and prevention of the moh laos project initiative year jul dec annually target risk provinces districts villages funded by ifrc objective to improve health well being people living in remote communities lao pdr knowledge villagers champassak sekong on good hygiene practice increased behavior dramatically changed achievements beneficiaries vhvs primary school teachers village heads trained transfer their iecs were provided o t shirts posters with slogan hygienic principles make disease far away from dengue fever prevent leaflets message pay attention destroying mosquito breeding side around your house a size stickers thank you killing mosquitoes larva...