facts about malaria 300 million cases each year worldwide 9 of 10 cases occur in africa a person in africa dies of malaria every 10 seconds women and young children ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Facts about malaria million cases each year worldwide of occur in africa a person dies every seconds women and young children are most at risk affects five times as many people aids leprosy measles tuberculosis combined prevention control during pregnancy african pregnant yearly is more frequent complicated endemic areas may account for up to maternal anemia low birthweight preventable roll back partnership governments private groups research organizations civil society media aim reduce by half free advocacy resources tools http www rbm who int priority prevent poor outcomes caused abuja declaration goal be sleeping under insecticide treated nets itns getting intermittent preventive treatment ipt focused antenatal care anc with health education use case management symptoms signs chapter i...