antiquity how old is the system it existed right from the beginning of life brahma smritva memorized vedas 5000 years bc spiritual scriptures adharvana veda ayurveda upaveda a systematized knowledge ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Antiquity how old is the system it existed right from beginning of life brahma smritva memorized vedas years bc spiritual scriptures adharvana veda ayurveda upaveda a systematized knowledge started before christ b c what ayu an art and science healing literally means to know about defined as one which look after welfare all human beings in particular general with regard their physical mental socio cultural well being not merely herbal medicine or folk belief alternate its scope far wide major divisions depicts this encompasses humans animals plants stated here under gavayurveda like cows horses elephants etc vrikshayurveda related health...