outline and readings outline cbc mac collision resistant hash functions applications of mac and hash functions readings katz and lindell 4 5 4 6 cs555 spring 2012 topic 14 2 ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline and readings cbc mac collision resistant hash functions applications of katz lindell cs spring topic basic secure for fixed length messages n given a prf f fix function l is m k divide into set t i to output tl vrfy on input check whether when block cipher this similar encryption with iv using last as tag why insecure variable security the that existential unforgerable under an adaptive chosen message attack assuming differs vs random outputting all blocks more than one ciphertext no longer msgs several constructions are proven then compute prepend its encoded bit string apply append uses two keys fk maps compresses arbitrary lengths known fingerprint or digest what example strings integers in many so collisions must happen used number data structures good have few cryptographic additional requirements...