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picture1_Lecture Ppt 81208 | Eele461 Module 01

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File: Lecture Ppt 81208 | Eele461 Module 01
course overview instructor brock j lameres office 533 cobleigh hall phone 406 994 5987 email lameres ece montana edu web www coe montana edu ee lameres time location lecture monday ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Course overview instructor brock j lameres office cobleigh hall phone email ece montana edu web www coe ee time location lecture monday wednesday friday am eps textbook signal power integrity simplified eric bogatin prentice nd edition website courses eele spring all handouts and homework are found on the it is your responsibility to download assignments digital system design module page hours check for most recent requisites pre requisite or consent of grading exam final project due at beginning class indicated date late will be accepted one week after with a penalty point reduction no credit given over make up exams plan being available dates assigned midway through semester consist high speed link including architecture simulation paper required that explains its operation results layout an in presentation during last you may work teams content what this we look how analyze communication links wireline medium i e conducting wires vs wireless circuitry tx rx interconnect used transfe...

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