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santra ramen et al int j res ayurveda pharm 4 5 sep oct 2013 research article www ijrap net a comparative clinical evaluation of ayurvedic diet plan and standard diet ...

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...Santra ramen et al int j res ayurveda pharm sep oct research article www ijrap net a comparative clinical evaluation of ayurvedic diet plan and standard in sthaulya obesity tripathy t b mallika k shivakumar kavita m pg scholar department swasthavritta shri dharmasthala manjunatheshwara college hospital hassan karnataka india professor head samhita sidhanta samskrita associateprofessor associate received on revised accepted corresponding author e mail drramen rediffmail com doi published by moksha publishing house website mokshaph all rights reserved abstract foods which are mentioned textbooks for the management aimed to pacify kapha dosha medodhatu cause downward movement vata rich dietary fiber have low glycemic index aim study was evaluate efficacy is textbook subjects with features as per classics body mass bmi more than kg were included into out completed group contains horsegram barley greengram kokum fruit advised menu followed according icmr guidelines both groups given kcal ei...

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