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picture1_Cloud Computing Ppt 82655 | Trusted Cloud Hotcloud09

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File: Cloud Computing Ppt 82655 | Trusted Cloud Hotcloud09
cloud computing appealing but still concerns many companies can reduce costs using cc services but customers still concerned about security of data data deployed to cc services can leak out ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cloud computing appealing but still concerns many companies can reduce costs using cc services customers concerned about security of data deployed to leak out nuno santos mpi sws potential leakage at the provider site customer pay virtual machine vm compute privileged user e g amazon ec with access computation state accidentally or intentionally need solution secure encryption communications and storage per se is ineffective for raw kept in memory during benefits from providing a trusted platform goal make machines confidential by service verify that threat model root privileges providers require staff system maintenance software workload full on any configure install run remotely reboot setup attacks...

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