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picture1_Cloud Computing Ppt 82654 | Cloud Computing Ppt

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File: Cloud Computing Ppt 82654 | Cloud Computing Ppt
table of content introduction what is cloud computing history of cloud computing advantages of cloud computing disadvantages of cloud computing components of cloud computing architecture of cloud computing types of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Table of content introduction what is cloud computing history advantages disadvantages components architecture types recent development s conclusion internet based whereby shared resources software and information are provided to computers other devices on demand like the electricity grid a paradigm shift following from mainframe client server in early details abstracted users who no longer have need for expertise or control over technology infrastructure that supports them where virtual servers provide platform hosting customers pay as you use basis all digitized system has offer service model can access these services available without having any previous know how managing involved concept originated telecommunication companies changing vpn salesforce com delivery applications via web amazon launches aws google docs elastic compute ec eucalyptus microsoft azure systems typically involves multiple communicating with each application programming interfaces usually...

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