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picture1_Cloud Computing Ppt 82646 | Team3 Item Download 2022-09-10 17-44-03

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File: Cloud Computing Ppt 82646 | Team3 Item Download 2022-09-10 17-44-03
what is cloud storage history j c r licklider one of the fathers of the cloud based computing idea global network that allows access from anywhere at anytime technological limits ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...What is cloud storage history j c r licklider one of the fathers based computing idea global network that allows access from anywhere at anytime technological limits s concept a service model in which data maintained managed and backed up remotely made available to users over typically internet how does work redundancy core equipment servers power supplies files replication personal use benefits icloud provided by apple gb space free cost once used you can share your stored on any different devices aceess all music calendar email only ios has installed business with there no need for cds external hard drives or localized quickly automatically updated retrieval whenever it should office become victim burglary fire natural disaster safe secure even if physical assets are destroyed greatest its ability grow site have smaller workspace less buy fewer employees maintain manage staff spend more time focusing other important tasks help growth negatives security many companies may not want han...

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