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picture1_Cloud Computing Ppt 82630 | Managing The Cloud 11 And 12

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File: Cloud Computing Ppt 82630 | Managing The Cloud 11 And 12
cloud computing deployments must be monitored and managed in order to be optimized for best performance cloud management software provides capabilities for managing faults configuration accounting performance and security this ...

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...Cloud computing deployments must be monitored and managed in order to optimized for best performance management software provides capabilities managing faults configuration accounting security this is referred as fcaps dmtf s distributed task force open standards incubator these fundamental features are offered by traditional network systems administration of resources configuring enforcing monitoring operations optimizing policy performing maintenance provisioning acronym fault a an event that has negative significance the goal recognize isolate correct log occur it also uses trend analysis predict errors so always available can established different things abnormal behavior when or occurs component will often send notification operator using either proprietary protocol such snmp hp openview sun solstice formerly net manager collect information about devices at least write message its console server catch page turn station configured make administrator aware problems email paging on s...

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