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picture1_Ppt Production 82534 | Man Sys Design And Control

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File: Ppt Production 82534 | Man Sys Design And Control
manufacturing system design control facility layout and work flow arrangement within a factory of machines departments workstations storage areas aisles and common areas ensures a smooth flow of work material ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Manufacturing system design control facility layout and work flow arrangement within a factory of machines departments workstations storage areas aisles common ensures smooth material people information through the three basic types process product fixed position hybrid layouts cellular flexible systems mixed model assembly lines similar activities grouped together in suitable for low volume or batch production not very efficient space large receiving small shipping movement lathe milling department drilling d l m grinding painting g p arrange sequence operation line set up one specialised mass more automated than avoid bottlenecks out projects too big to move equipment parts moved area highly skilled workers costly...

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