catalyst ce0 5zr0 5 o2 catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without participating in the reaction itself catalyst adsorbs on its surface gas ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Catalyst ce zr o is a substance that speeds up the rate of chemical reaction without participating in itself adsorbs on its surface gas pollutants co and nox molecules unburned hydrocarbons which are converted to h schematic representation high resolution transmission electron micrograph defects potential adsorption single crystal used sites for catalysts catalytic converters increases being consumed active fig callister rethwisch e normally crystals an automotive converter types imperfections vacancy atoms interstitial point substitutional dislocations line grain boundaries area metals vacancies vacant atomic structure distortion planes self interstitials extra positioned between equilibrium concentration varies with temperature no activation energy nv qv exp defect n kt boltzmann s constant x j atom k ev each lattice site...