why model faults why model faults i o function tests inadequate for manufacturing functionality versus component and interconnect testing real defects often mechanical too numerous and often not analyzable a ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Why model faults i o function tests inadequate for manufacturing functionality versus component and interconnect testing real defects often mechanical too numerous not analyzable a fault identifies targets makes analysis possible effectiveness measurable by experiments copyright agraw day am lecture al bushnell some in chips processing missing contact windows parasitic transistors oxide breakdown material bulk cracks crystal imperfections surface impurities ion migration time dependent failures dielectric electromigration packaging degradation seal leaks ref m j howes d v morgan reliability semiconductor devices circuits wiley observed pcb defect classes occurrence frequency shorts opens components wrong reversed bent leads analog specifications digital logic performance timing bateson circuit van nostrand reinhold common models single stuck at transistor open short memory pla cross point bridging functional processors delay transition path more details of see l agrawal essentials elec...