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picture1_Malnutrition Ppt 81336 | Session 7   Overview Of Malnutrition In Emergencies

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File: Malnutrition Ppt 81336 | Session 7 Overview Of Malnutrition In Emergencies
session overview session overview overview of malnutrition types of malnutrition strategies of addressing macro and micronutrient deficiencies supplementation fortification dietary diversification and food preparation definitions malnutrition any condition caused by ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Session overview of malnutrition types strategies addressing macro and micronutrient deficiencies supplementation fortification dietary diversification food preparation definitions any condition caused by excess or deficient energy nutrient intake an imbalance nutrients protein a range pathological conditions arising from coincident lack varying proportion calories accruing most frequently in infant young children commonly associated with infections kwashiorkor resulting due to characterized the oedema skin hair changes usually low body weight for age...

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