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picture1_Nutrition Ppt 81334 | Session 24   Monitoring And Evaluat 238

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File: Nutrition Ppt 81334 | Session 24 Monitoring And Evaluat 238
the purpose of covering the topic to equip learners with the knowledge that can can enable them to design an m e system for a nutrition programme conduct m e ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The purpose of covering topic to equip learners with knowledge that can enable them design an m e system for a nutrition programme conduct effectively use data base monitor progress in implementation cont session covers following areas programming components plan framework conducting activities indicators evaluation programmes emergency situations monitoring and what is it ongoing collection review information on project coverage utilization reported acted going basis why do improve intervention by identifying aspects are working as planned those need correction modify per identified ensure all needy cases reached general food ration reaches targeted persons maximising inclusion deserving exclusion undeserving special targeting i severely malnourished track demonstrate results at program or population level thus used determine how well being implemented different levels cost also tracks changes occurring due interventions positive negative...

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