unit purpose unit purpose introduction to the characteristics and introduction to the characteristics and trends of disasters trends of disasters the impact of disasters on affected the impact of disasters ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unit purpose introduction to the characteristics and trends of disasters impact on affected population how build capacity vulnerable communities cope with despise social political economic cultural constraints objectives demonstrate knowledge different their consequences displaced people major processes surrounding humanitarian emergencies international law ihl human rights hrl application in role assistance disaster prevention mitigation preparedness underlying principles public health management main problems control environmental identify common issues food nutritional competencies learners acquire following key analyze current large populations apply conflict non situations recognize appropriate measures understand risk factors effect security for malnutrition terms definitions acute emergency phase begins immediately after may last months it is characterized by initial chaos a high crude mortality rate cmr ends when drops below day asylum giving sanctuary refuge shelter or proctio...