introduction life as we know it depends entirely on the capacity of cells to utilize energy and molecules in the environment for cellular function and reproduction multicellular animal organisms including ...
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...Introduction life as we know it depends entirely on the capacity of cells to utilize energy and molecules in environment for cellular function reproduction multicellular animal organisms including humans acquire essential nutrients from foods some these are required dna synthesis maintenance normal chromosome structure repair damage caused by nutrient deficiency or environmental genotoxins control gene expression epigenetic mechanisms this review provides a brief outline role nutrition replication prevention at most basic level plays an important providing precursor de novo purine pyrimidine nucleotides that determine genetic code examples provided nucleotide methyl donors such folate vitamin b methionine critical purines formyl tetrahydrofolate pyrimidines methylenetetrahydrofolate donating moieties respectively figure next slide ribose p thf l y m imp f ump dump amp gmp methf utp atp gtp ctp dttp furthermore methyltetrahydrofolate is s adenosyl sam which common donor conversion cytos...