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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 141398 | Final Strengthening Of The Lgu Nutrition Program Creation Of Lgu Nutrition Offices

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 141398 | Final Strengthening Of The Lgu Nutrition Program Creation Of Lgu Nutrition Offices
strengthening of the lgu nutrition program creation of lgu nutrition offices august 2021 table of contents list of acronyms 3 i introduction 4 ii recommended organization of nutrition office in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Strengthening of the lgu nutrition program creation offices august table contents list acronyms i introduction ii recommended organization office in lgus a proposed staffing for provincial city and municipal b roles functions c positions staff d barangay scholars iii financing iv references annex national council coordinating structure qualification standards sample vision mission ppas major final outputs mfos performance output indicators budgetary estimates ps cost aip annual investment bnap action plan bnc committee bns scholar cdp comprehensive development mlgus local government units cnap cnc cs civil service csc commission cy calendar year dbm department budget management eo executive order gida geographically isolated disadvantaged area hucs highly urbanized cities iec information education communication ira internal revenue allotment lce chief ldip lgoo operations officer unit lnc lnap mam moderate acute malnutrition mfo mho health r mellpi monitoring evaluation level implement...

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