contents vocabulary key words gap filling matching reading grammar modal verbs of obligation active and passive forms go play do vocabulary look at the mind map try to complete each ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Contents vocabulary key words gap filling matching reading grammar modal verbs of obligation active and passive forms go play do look at the mind map try to complete each diagram with least three items people basketball tennis equipment sportsman volleyball sportswoman squash helmet ball athlete opponent games football stick puck competitor handball protectors referee umpire racquetbat spectator sport skisskates types indoor outdoor places winter summer be fond hallcentre keen on athletics stadium good water motor field pitch compete in a extreme track chart by adding below coach ring pool snooker canoeing oar club bowls racing rod course skiing swimmin player boxing court g judge skis whistle hockey net ground trunks defende team manage striker captain r diving boots goalkeeper fishing golf equipmen t defender swimming basketb all goalkeep er manager fill blanks expressions from previous slides i enjoy watching but ve never been it our local sports centre you can wide variety m not to...