introduction sport has become an important strategy for realizing a sustainable order of society mcsweeney et al 2019 suggesting sports for sustainable development are well documented in sports sociology literature ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction sport has become an important strategy for realizing a sustainable order of society mcsweeney et al suggesting sports development are well documented in sociology literature and management becoming medical device the community lindsey multidimensional one aspects concern whole sporting activity is achievement success cannot be separated from support various government parties through policies he issued including west java province regional regulation number concerning implementation purpose this study to analyze effectiveness second part article environment method s research approach descriptive qualitative analytics with data sources professional athletes futsal club owners policy makers collection techniques interviews surveys documentation source using purposive snowball th icsdp participant selection participants based on their domicile area who never felt justice remote areas population sample taken used was players age range years head coaches instrument human form i...