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picture1_Agriculture Presentation Pdf 80423 | Will Martin E

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File: Agriculture Presentation Pdf 80423 | Will Martin E
roadmap analyzing the 2008 market access reforms how we represent the formulas flexibilities implications for tariffs levied faced implications for real incomes the tiered formula for agric ma developed developing ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Roadmap analyzing the market access reforms how we represent formulas flexibilities implications for tariffs levied faced real incomes tiered formula agric ma developed developing tier range cut i ii iii iv average min max in agriculture add deeper cuts tariff escalation processed products subject to are moved up a top pts tropical short product list diversification by country least countries no required increase nama bindings small vulnerable economies sves less each or of bind at an lower recently acceded members rams reduced band zero below th more special para only...

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