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picture1_Types Of Agriculture Pdf 213632 | Agriculture Types Of Agriculture

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File: Types Of Agriculture Pdf 213632 | Agriculture Types Of Agriculture
47 agriculture types of agriculture 47 agriculture types of agriculture subsistence agriculture small farms only small portion is directed towards market commercial agriculture large farms majority of products are sold ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agriculture types of subsistence small farms only portion is directed towards market commercial large majority products are sold at a intensive with big usage fertilizers in relatively areas high outputs extensive realized few and pesticides inputs to farm from seeds crops animals mechanization tractors meat milk eggs etc capital money manure labour force quality insecticides the differences could be really apparent for instance an canada yields revenues can tonnes ha but se england it everything depends upon above mentioned factors relation total area used double cropping having harvesting times per year e g asian countries thanks hot climate huge rains monsoons selected world gardening netherlands growth vegetables fruits flowers fertile soils moderate average cities wheat farming canadian prairies low degree mechanisation workers kenya around equator infertile maize beans cattle family members working there countryside rainforest keywords agricultural...

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