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picture1_Electronic Payment System Ppt 80345 | India   3(payment Systems In India Vision 2012 15)

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File: Electronic Payment System Ppt 80345 | India 3(payment Systems In India Vision 2012 15)
vision 2012 15 to proactively encourage electronic payment systems for ushering in a less cash society in india and to ensure payment and settlement systems in the country are safe ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Vision to proactively encourage electronic payment systems for ushering in a less cash society india and ensure settlement the country are safe efficient interoperable authorised accessible inclusive compliant with international standards accomplish of key elements which would impact s accessibility availability awareness acceptability affordability assurance appropriateness integrated system efficiency effectiveness enhancement cts implementation automated clearing house ach bulk transactions implement giro central bank money review domestic transfer guidelines white label pos standardisation portability inter operability standardising instruments message format instructions consultation stakeholders messaging like iso adoption across interoperability all aadhaar based feasibility iban bban account numbers forming standard setting body under overall guidance rbi it architecture will eliminate point interfaces various products through hub development infrastructure provide linkages bet...

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