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picture1_Water Cycle Ppt 80317 | The Water Cycle

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File: Water Cycle Ppt 80317 | The Water Cycle
over two thirds of the earth is covered with water water doesn t leave the earth it gets cleansed through the water cycle the water cycle is the journey of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Over two thirds of the earth is covered with water doesn t leave it gets cleansed through cycle journey starts sea ocean and then into clouds after that turns to rain rivers streams back again did you know also known as hydrologic has been recycling for four billion years when drink swallow same king tutankhamun romans drank evaporation in warms up bubbles this a gas vapour condensation first process rises collects cools condenses liquid precipitation once condensates falls hail or even snow...

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