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picture1_Water Cycle Ppt 80367 | Year 8 Topic Distance Learning 1 201203 161934

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File: Water Cycle Ppt 80367 | Year 8 Topic Distance Learning 1 201203 161934
what is the water cycle the water cycle is the name we give to describe the way water moves throughout planet earth the water cycle has two other names the ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is the water cycle name we give to describe way moves throughout planet earth has two other names hydrological h o how does move in a four main parts these are steps goes through when it s moving evaporation condensation precipitation accumulation this happens bodies of like lakes rivers and oceans heat up becomes hot forms vapours that go into air you might have seen if ve ever boiled heats then steam rises from opposite vapour gets cold transformed back liquid form makes clouds went sky released depending on temperature comes down as or solid rain snow...

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